• JuttaC started the topic Mouthpiece physics in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 7 months ago

    Can anyone tell me why a cornet (and presumably trumpet) mouthpiece has to have such a small bore just beyond the cup? (I am genuinely intrigued!) Just after the cup, there is a narrow orifice, then the mouthpiece widens again within the shank until the bore is that of the leadpipe (more or less).

    I am having serious problems with a “strangled…[Read more]

  • I can picture you standing in the middle of an airport practising your golf swings and I just love your energy and enthusiasm!! You hav also just highlighted one of my problems: I would try to sink into the ground in sheer embarrassment if I had to practise between competent golfers at a driving range, and the same embarrassment makes me feel like…[Read more]

  • I’m in West Malvern. And we are both disciples of Greg who lives on the other side of the world? I think that’s really funny!! Mr. Google tells me that you play with the Malvern Big Band. (Sorry, yes, he is very intrusive!!) Are you playing in Colwall on 8 Dec? I’m intending to go to that.

  • Hello Carl,
    Absolutely nothing to do with chin movement, but is that a Malvern Instruments top you’re wearing? I wonder if we’re almost neighbours.

  • Hello Eric,
    You’ve probably sorted your issue with aperture corners by now anyway, but I was stuck on exactly the same point. The thing that I found really helpful was Greg’s video on “Aperture corner development”, quite early on in the Andante stage (about the third lesson). If you haven’t seen it, it may be worth a look. And if you have seen it,…[Read more]

  • JuttaC replied to the topic pitch sharp in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    Hello Giuseppe,
    I’m absolutely and definitely no expert, but I’d just like to share a strange experience with you in case it helps. A few months ago I moved to a better instrument (cornet) with a third-valve trigger. I wanted to see what difference pulling the trigger made, so I played a D with varying degrees of trigger with my tuner. The strange…[Read more]

  • JuttaC started the topic Keeping teeth apart in the forum WindWorks 6 years ago

    My biggest single problem at the moment is that I’m not keeping my teeth apart as I ascend, and that restricts the air flow. No matter how hard I try and how much I concentrate, I simply cannot keep my jaw down. Can anyone suggest a way of getting into the habit of keeping my teeth apart? I would be really grateful for some help, because I think…[Read more]

  • JuttaC's profile was updated 6 years ago

  • JuttaC replied to the topic The corners.. in the forum WindWorks 6 years, 1 month ago

    You know what? I totally missed the point of those oooohaaahs! It’s all getting a lot clearer now. Thanks!

    Greg, I love your black-and-white approach. Do this, this and this; don’t to that, that or that. It’s all very specific – and it works. I’m beginning to get a fairly good idea now of what I’m trying to do. Very, very occasionally, when I…[Read more]

  • JuttaC replied to the topic The corners.. in the forum WindWorks 6 years, 1 month ago

    Apologies if I’m asking this in the wrong place. I’m just trying to find my way aournd the new WindWorks site. There are some fantastic ideas here which I know will make a dramatic difference to my playing. (I always play better after watching an M2M video or two!!) However… I struggle with the concept of “tension at the aperture corners”. There…[Read more]

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