• Hi Greg,
    just a thumb up for your last videos.
    Though I left the Trumpet off for more than a year now, I keep watching videos πŸ™‚
    I hope I’ll get back to it one day, full reset, and be a better trumpeter.
    Thanks for all the videos, the advises and all the energy you put into helping us out into our journey !

  • Guillaume M replied to the topic Beginner trumpet in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 5 months ago

    Well I wouldn’t go for pTrumpet either. I thought of buying one though, but not to begin with.

    I’d like to add that this is great to start with windworks. Stick with it and don’t get distracted by other methods or youtube gurus…

  • Hi,

    ” don’t feel I am squeezing – but the small amount of muscle activation required to hold the shape as air passes through (passively) gets harder to hold the higher i go.”

    My teacher made me remark once that even for low register at a big volume, the corner strength is really the thing that can be failing. I couldn’t make a really big F# at…[Read more]

  • Hi !
    well, it was my understanding that at certain point, in the upper register actually, it is not necessary that the air stream has to be straight in the mouthpiece. I think it’s more about the concept of airspeed and how the energy is transferred to the mouthpiece.
    In a recent video of John Snell at Bob Reeves Mouthpiece, he also shows that…[Read more]

  • Hi SvV
    On my side I was able to do a High C quite quick…. then all of a sudden it collapsed.
    I started watching a lot of YT videos, lot of ideas, lot of different methods.. Lot of thinking. I don’t say I could play that note playing a song. Just doing it. Then nothing !
    My thought is that I spent to much time overthinking and focusing on that…[Read more]

  • Hi Caleb,

    I understand this kind of frustration. I have quite the same problem. I could hit some note like high C or above, but never really did it like a knack. Meaning : that was somehow lucky or not understanding the process, or with pure force using arpaggio’s like in Gordon’s approach.
    I have put away my trumpet since a few months… But in…[Read more]

  • cooks.in.forton : thanks for ring spanner example ! Awesome !
    I ‘ll check out if I have one πŸ™‚

    JUtta, as for Charlie’s videos, I first discovered them before greg’s ones.
    Just as johnelwood I guess. To me, they are really great. In the end, I find that
    Greg’s videos are more concise and in the end, as far as I was eager to watch charlie’s…[Read more]

  • Great !
    I have read an interesting earlier this week.
    There are too much information so sometimes it’s quite difficult getting it.
    Bobby shew’s advice:
    Avoid overblowing, and you need to experience what it is.
    As well
    Avoid blowing too soft as you can start pinching lips….
    That makes sense… Sometime, when I didnt want to disturb my…[Read more]

  • Hi there Greg πŸ™‚
    Thanks for your answer !
    Well, first, I wasn’t thinking about the visualizers you sell.
    That was merely general and I was more looking at things that can be found where I live.
    Not much actually.
    1/ So yes, I get it about scissor and I get where you wanna go with a real rim. That totally makes sense. No doubt about it.
    Well I…[Read more]

  • Hi All !

    I’ll be straight but don’t want to start a controversy.
    Anyway, I find the price of mouthpiece visualizer quite ridiculous for what it is.
    So my question to Greg would be :
    1/ what’s your take on charlie porter’s video about embouchure and using a scissors hole as a visualizer ?
    Everybody have scissors so it could be a good/great tool…[Read more]

  • Hi Luis,

    I would say that you need to watch the Leadpipe video again.
    relax means that you should blow your mouthpiece and listening only air going out.
    Then in that position, you should put the mouthpiece in the leadpipe (without the tuning slide) and the vibration should come hence the sound. Pulling off the mouthpiece of the leadpipe, and no…[Read more]

  • Guillaume M replied to the topic Leadpipe Slots in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 7 months ago

    Hi !
    Let me add my comment on this.
    In my case, it just seems that when I try to play on the higher slot (after the one you show in the video), and I try exploring, in the end, a day after or the same day, I have my lips quite wrong… like swollen lip (not the chops) and then I have a bad/weird vibration that occurs at some note…
    Maybe it’s…[Read more]

  • Guillaume M replied to the topic FACEBOOK LIVE Q+A in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Greg,

    I could’nt take part to Facebook live. Anyway, thank you for posting the video.
    Just viewed it… Again… thank you for your time and your wise tips !

  • Hi Gabriel,
    let me just answer 2 other questions from you in other topics.
    This is my humble opinion, only :
    – I don’t think air should go from your aperture corner. The idea is to make a good seal without air leaking.
    – Regarding a middle C and playing forte without supporting it seems no possible.
    I guess, again, a support is necessary. The…[Read more]

  • Hi !
    As there’s this forum now, let me tell you that I really love your videos, the way you explain things are very clear and it does make sense… Much more than with my last teacher.
    So thank you Greg !
    I haven’t started yet with WIndworks as I purchaded MTM book 1 two weeks ago, and I wanted to start it over again with those concepts… I am…[Read more]

  • Hi!
    I purchased MTM book one a few weeks ago, but due to several reasons I still haven’t started yet.
    So simple question : shall I start with MTM book 1 or with windworks ? or both ? πŸ™‚


  • Guillaume M's profile was updated 6 years, 3 months ago

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