michael.stokowski replied to the topic Some lip thoughts in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago
Look at the professor’s video where he plays the trumpet with a balloon. I’m going to throw this out there: Lips don’t matter. OK, they do, but not in the way we think they do. After working through MTM to a high level, I’m convinced lip buzzing in a mouthpiece is a symptom of sound in the horn and body, not what produces the sound. In fact, I…[Read more]
michael.stokowski replied to the topic WindWorks Secret and my GOLF swing challenge in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago
Bummer. ACL. Don’t fret, you’ll be back to golfing no time. Great idea to learning left handed. So, I’ve had three knee surgeries and guess what, post knee surgery rehab is a process, too! Highly recommend cycling and elliptical machines to strengthen the muscles around the knee.
On another note. My son, a trumpet player in middle school, just…[Read more]
michael.stokowski replied to the topic Ultimate Level in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 11 months ago
It’s live now!
michael.stokowski replied to the topic time to be able to play clear in the forum WindWorks 6 years ago
Kudos to you for adding trumpet to your repertoire! As a lifelong trumpeter who has tried and bailed to learn guitar, I commend your efforts. You are wise to stick with Greg’s course and not be seduced by the hundreds of you tube options out there. His advice is sound. I have viewed and tried them all. Let me relate a story that may help. In h…[Read more]