• I have been on wind works for a while now and have made truly great progress…harmonic slurs are always a bit of a problem..especially as we speed up re: the challenge…is it a tongue movement or is it a jaw movemen? ..I just seem to get crippled..especially just trying to get a single group out at the beginning..thanks..J.

  • Safari..on an iPad..not there yet

  • I don’t seem to have a lesson box on that one..thanks..J.

  • wellsjtj started the topic Singing C in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    .if there is one aspect of this program that sort of slips thru the cracks when it comes to importance..at least to me..it is the instruction to, in tandem with the concert hall breath,’mimic or copy the feeling of the of the Singing C’. When I really take that message to heart and apply it to my playing, the results are really quite staggering…[Read more]

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Many lemon in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    I’m doing it today🍋..

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Many lemon in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    I totally agree…I have gone back myself in the last few days and although I don’t have a complete grasp on all the concepts, I can feel my understanding and confidence continuing to grow..Jim

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Lesson notes.. in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    …yes..looks like they are all there now …thanks..J.

  • wellsjtj started the topic Lesson notes.. in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    ..in the allegro series, some of the lessons are without a lesson note box…just wondering if that is by design or somehow they are not showing up on my iPad?..thanks..Jim

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Allegro in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    ..so I am in Allegro…Eb….and yes, it seems harder but my real issue seems to be that I run out of air in the Singing C..I don’t feel like I’m getting tight…in the video,you suggest that this is a point where people get stuck…I’m not sure how to interpret that and I wonder if that thought being put in my head perhaps contributes to my…[Read more]

  • wellsjtj started the topic Allegro in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 9 months ago

    …just moved up to this one. I understand what my goals and expectations are with the Singing C…in regards to the exercises(c#)…what should I be expecting from these? They are not technically challenging really..so..is perfection what I should strive for with these?

  • I struggle with this as well…the act of releasing the air…as opposed to pushing it out seems for me at least, to initiate momentum and relaxation that results in a much more musical result..and speed as well…Jim

  • I have always found the image or sensation of the tongue bouncing on a air stream to be very helpful….nothing rocket science like here👍

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Progress in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago

    ..still wondering about the next level…🤔

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Progress in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago

    I have seemed to found my way back this week..feels good. Now..I am playing to the moderato level..pretty well. I can’t play everything to wicked high speed e.g. the chromatic variation to 132.… but with a decent quality and ease. The question I have is.. when should I move up to the next level? I know it’s probably hard without hearing me..I t…[Read more]

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Progress in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Greg..I appreciate the input..I will carry on..J.

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic Progress in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago

    I must say this is not a negative on this program at all…more about me. I have noticed when I use the visualizer the air seems to be always going downward..not straight out..as well even though I manage to get to a point of making decent sounds, I start out every day with a lack of consistency.. like I am just learning ..I never feel confident…[Read more]

  • wellsjtj started the topic Progress in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 11 months ago

    I am a 62 yr.old man who came back to trumpet..really to slay some dragons. I had not touched a trumpet in 40yrs….I came back with a lot but of baggage..no confidence and a heap of bad habits and beliefs when it came to this instrument. I am about a year into this and I must say I am beyond what I truly thought I was even capable of…let me be…[Read more]

  • wellsjtj replied to the topic The full breath.. in the forum WindWorks 6 years ago

    I think the biggest single factor for me…and I am not suggesting I have everything working perfectly, is the the release of the air..the slingshot. When I focus on it more than anything else, everything seems to work better…there is less instinct to push..it is almost hard to push when the slingshot is implied. The aperture corners seem to…[Read more]

  • ..a definite step …very cool though. In the double tongue/slur exercise…is the articulation a ‘k’ syllable at the beginning of every slur? Do I have that right?… thanks..Jim

  • …again..”Moderato”

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