Mystery to Mastery › Forums › WindWorks › Allegro
…just moved up to this one. I understand what my goals and expectations are with the Singing C…in regards to the exercises(c#)…what should I be expecting from these? They are not technically challenging perfection what I should strive for with these?
As I understand it, you strive to eliminate all negative tension in the singing C, then play the exercises with the best sound you can, which indeed feel easier.
I could go to the Allegro E Singing C quite fast, but from there I can’t make bad tension go away.
Maybe the exercises are for all levels players, so it might be easy for you and you shouldn’t spend too much time on them, or maybe I’m just wrong !
@Greg it is kind of repetitive, are the master series build on the exact same exercises ?
Hui guys, thanks for your questions!
@Wellsjtj – The Singing C Series is about purity of process. I would love to see you doing them so shoot me an email if you have time to get on to skype or facetime for a minute or two. I have seen many serious Pro’s have real trouble, even in this range, to do the correct process.
Are you really on the lookout (Magnifying Glass) for closure of the Body’s Concert Hall and/or engagement of the support muscles in the PASSIVE exercises? Get back to me by the time you get to E and G and see if you are saying the same thing 🙂
That being said, yes, you are looking for the best sound you can possibly make and if they are done with precision, then congrats and you are ready to keep moving up.
@matthieujullien – I must pull you up on your first sentence. Just to be clear, you are right in as much as we want ultimately to sound great (like in the answer above) however at the beginning, PROCESS is everything, I DON’T CARE WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE!!! Some of mine sound terrible in the demos, that is of no concern. Purity of sound will come in time. I could have made them sound much better but that is not demonstrating the purpose of the exercises. You MUST be on the lookout for negative tension.
As for your second statement, with the utmost respect I am afraid you are completely wrong my friend. The fact that you have mentioned that negative tension shows how vitally important it is to do these exercises very, very slowly over a long period of time. You WILL find these notes adhering to the specified process, and the benefits of patient exploration are huge, but you must be patient and really aware of where any manipulation creeps in.
As I say in the videos, “This Is Deep”. Take your time. Don’t be afraid of recognising manipulation, embrace it and be fully aware of your inefficiencies as this is the way to eliminate them.
ULTIMATE MASTER SERIES – There is a bunch of new stuff coming in the Ultimate Level but rushing in to that without having mastered the Premium Level will only delay your progress. Yes, at times some of these exercises might seem mundane and repetitive and that is why you need to be playing MUSIC too. Let the benefits of these exercises slowly morph in to your playing over time.
Stick with it!
Seems to me when I do process I never achieve the speed I do when I go for results, and I think this is ok. I try to make everything as hard as I can on myself when I practice process and was a good bit surprised when I found that my limit without strain was e in the staff. It helps me to do these exercises at even less than passive breath which really emphasizes forming shape. I don’t know if this is recommended by Greg (let me know if it isn’t and I’ll hush) but I took to heart the point of difference video and do as much as I can to realize this point. After a few months of concentrating shape I’m at a g above staff as soft as possible, and getting stronger. When I put the program away and do other stuff, I amazed at times when doing the results that I’ll play a note easily that I had issues with before, and money notes below hi c are getting real strong and easy. It’s been sooo important to me to just suspend judgement and knowledge 🤪(?) I think I have and just do it, be honest with what I feel and hear and do what Greg has recommended, and I’m making progress, just not quite fast enough🤬
What’s the web address to set up a Skype Greg that should be on the site somewhere 😂
Hey Rod, good point, I might get my dudes to put something on the dashboard. People usually email or make payment and we then discuss a suitable time but it seems the forum is a good way too 🙂
You have made excellent progress. What you are saying is no small achievement, especially if you have been playing for a while. I have had serious pros cut out at Step 1 of the Singing C Series on the E harmonic. It is a massive feat of reprogramming and congrats on embracing the #POD Point of Difference.
What you will notice is your efficiency will actually increase quite dramatically so you will be playing for a lot longer. I might to a podcast about my 5 gig day starting with a 3 hour outdoor roving gig followed by an early afternoon 2 1/2 hour Big Band Gig (playing Paul Anka “Rock Swings” charts) then another 2 hour outdoor roving gig followed by 2 Sets of Funk/Soul 8-10pm with a band called “Big and Horny” then 10:30pm till 1am 3 sets of Latin (Irakere etc) at a club called the Night Cat.
It wasn’t until I finished the 3rd set of the Latin gig that I realised how much intense playing I had done over 15 hours and that I could have kept playing.
My accuracy and consistency was also very much improved but it can often be hard to spot these differences. Range opened up after that.
You are being very patient! I bet you have some secret goals “I just want to be able to play ??? note!” Let me tell you, the lines and desires keep changing so my best advice is – don’t think about it. Simply observe where you are at and notice/accept good days and bad days and little improvements without getting too annoyed/excited and calmly keep developing and simply enjoying playing music with the chops you have today. You are working on it so it will get better…easy!
If you need please send to my e-mail address.
I have some specific questions which might confuse others as much as me and a screen to screen might clear up some things. Ive been playing long enough to know this is working. I worked something similar (point of strain/difference) with Jim Manley but as you probably know his teaching point is abdominal support. This still encouraged elevated BP and my aim is to avoid this, but it works too with some drawbacks.
I’m in US and you r many miles away and work 15 hour days 🤯 so I will be very flexible with time I am in Allegro…Eb….and yes, it seems harder but my real issue seems to be that I run out of air in the Singing C..I don’t feel like I’m getting tight…in the video,you suggest that this is a point where people get stuck…I’m not sure how to interpret that and I wonder if that thought being put in my head perhaps contributes to my actions…just a thought🤔..I thank you in advance..Jim