Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Throat closing when double tonguing

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    • #74493

      Hi all, this is my first post to the Forum. Having gradually progressed to the end of the Adagio Status Stage, I am struggling with the Descending Single Harmonic (Double Tonguing), primarily because the top of my throat seems to close up when I play ku’s and I am not sure if it should feel like this and whether it will gradually become easier? Can anyone provide some reassurance or alternatively point me in the right direction. I seem to be generally progressing OK with the tu and ku combinations and my speed and the quality of my ku’s is definitely improving, but I’m just a bit concerned that it feels like this. Many thanks

    • #74853

      Hi Gary, you should keep your throat open all the time. The “ku” is much more likely to trigger your throat closing than “tu”; it’s just one of those things! As with most difficulties, go back to basics and start slowly then build up speed. BCH breath will help open the throat – really try and “yawn” the breath in then keep that open feeling at the back of your mouth as you play. Then work slowly on tu-ku, staying on one note, but try very light tonguing and think more daa-gaa than tu-ku, to get used to the sensation of the tongue interrupting (but not stopping!) the airflow, whilst keeping everything relaxed. It helps me if I to try and make tu and ku sound the same. When I started it was more like tu–gggaa, so look to get the back of your tongue moving in and out of the airflow as quickly as the tip. As you get more familiar with the sensation, you’ll be able to tongue harder and speed up and change note/harmonic. Hope this is useful and I’m not telling you stuff you already know!

    • #74943

      Hi Philip, that is really helpful, thanks very much. I will keep persevering.

    • #75013
      Greg Spence

      Hey Gary, please checkout the throat thread below and watch the Pu-Lip-Ku-KMT-Tu Video. Cheers,

      Important Update – THROAT Tips and Drills

    • #75018

      Brilliant – Keep us posted on your progress!

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