wouter replied to the topic angle of the visualizer in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 1 month ago
Hi eggsaseggs,
That’s true! 🙂
Best, Wouter
wouter replied to the topic angle of the visualizer in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 1 month ago
Hi Eggsaseggs,
I would be very careful with moving the jaw forward, it is pretty bad for you chewing joints. Also if you ‘fixate’ the jaw while playing (as do many players do) it will introduce tension in your breathing and playing also (look at classical singers they relax their jaws completely and I was told by a Opera Singing teacher that…[Read more]
wouter started the topic open blow or trumpet with a lot of resitance? in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 2 months ago
Hi Greg,
I know it is personal, but to you. Do you prefer a open blowing trumpet or a trumpet with more ‘resistance’. I happen to have 2 trumpets 🙂 1 very open blow and 1 with a lot of (percieved) resistance. At first my range was higher on the trumpet with resistance and surely the slotting and tuning was easier. That is my ‘daily’ trumpet.…[Read more]
wouter replied to the topic angle of the visualizer in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi Gary,
Happy to hear that I am not the only one struggeling. I can move my jaw forward but even a slight forward change gives me trouble with my joints. So my strategy for now is:
– I try to keep my jaw as relaxed as possible and as much possible ‘in’ the joint (so not forward)
– I roll out my bottom lip slightly AND support it with my tongue…[Read more]
wouter replied to the topic low tongue in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 4 months ago
no very clear! 🙂 thanks.
wouter started the topic low tongue in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi Greg,
I am confused here: I did the alphabet exercises in de video and I thought you explained that in different registers, the tong is in different positions. However in the following quiz the correct answer is: the tongue stays low in all registers????
So is this an understanding thing? I mean tongue arch as one of the things you mentioned…[Read more]
wouter replied to the topic angle of the visualizer in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for sharing your answers. I am going to experiment a bit. The best sound is one thing, but efficiency is also important indeed (eventually leading to a better sound also).
wouter started the topic 'popping' the airflow in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 5 months ago
Hi Greg,
Just a question or observation that I have. As you know I have been studying the Jerome Callet school also for the last 3 or 4 years and they like to focus on the spitbuzz. You probably know the concept but for everyone else: it is like spitting as little as possible air from the front of the mouth.
Back to you teachings: if I do the…[Read more]
wouter replied to the topic angle of the visualizer in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 5 months ago
PS. version 1 gives me better results in playing (especially if I keep the ‘milkcan’ in mind), but I am a little concerned that I may also have to move my jaw slightly forward and that I can not do for a long time
wouter started the topic angle of the visualizer in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 5 months ago
Hi Greg,
In regards to your latest video: https://mysterytomastery.com/important-windworks-updates/
I have a question. I can place the visualizer on my lips in with 2 angles
1. ‘parallel’ to my lips. As I have an underbite, this means the airstream is pointed downwards. If i point my trumpet downwards also, the airstream is still going straight…[Read more]
wouter started the topic question about the Moderato C Singing C in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 6 months ago
If I do the Moderato C Singing series (or similar) I notice that when I have to play softer after the solid, loud C I feel I can not make the notes unless I make my lip aperture smaller. So what to do: should I start off with a smaller aperture or should I learn to make the aperture smaller (not pinching) going up?
What is your advice?
wouter started the topic spitting? in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 9 months ago
Hi all,
Ok, clear we should not ‘push’ the air from the abdomen, but how about ‘pushing’ the air from the mouth (from a certain pitch), also know as ‘spitting’: creating pressure in the front of the mouth, keeping the throat and below ’empty’ or ‘relaxed’?
what’s your opinion about this?
wouter replied to the topic Vocal cords and falsetto? in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 10 months ago
I found some info here, but it is not all clear to me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsetto
wouter started the topic Vocal cords and falsetto? in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 10 months ago
Hi Greg,
I really like your analogy saying that the lips should ‘be’ the vocal chords for playing the trumpet and just recently starting to trust it really works just that simple.
I am just wandering, is there also an analogy between head voice (not sure if this is correct English, Falsetto perhaps?) and playing the upper register. I mean, do…[Read more]